RAR Support


Varování: Zpráva, na kterou reagujete, je starší než 6 měsíců.

Původní zpráva
25. září 2016
Re: Zipcrypto vs AES-256

Zde vypisuji jednotlivé verze i s rokem.

2.0: (1993) File entries can be compressed with DEFLATE and use traditional PKWARE encryption.
2.1: (1996) Deflate64 compression
4.5: (2001) Documented 64-bit zip format.
4.6: (2001) BZIP2 compression (not published online until the publication of APPNOTE 5.2)
5.0: (2002) DES, Triple DES, RC2, RC4 supported for encryption (not published online until the publication of APPNOTE 5.2)
5.2: (2003) AES encryption support (defined in APPNOTE 5.1 that was not published online), corrected version of RC2-64 supported for encryption.
6.1: (2004) Documented certificate storage.
6.2.0: (2004) Documented Central Directory Encryption.
6.3.0: (2006) Documented Unicode (UTF-8) filename storage. Expanded list of supported hash, compression (LZMA, PPMd+), encryption algorithms.
6.3.1: (2007) Corrected standard hash values for SHA-256/384/512.
6.3.2: (2007) Documented compression method 97 (WavPack).
6.3.3: (2012) Document formatting changes to facilitate referencing the PKWARE Application Note from other standards using methods such as the JTC 1 Referencing Explanatory Report (RER) as directed by JTC 1/SC 34 N 1621.
6.3.4: (2014) Updates the PKWARE, Inc. office address.

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